Blah Blah Blogging Along

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Is it Friday Yet?

Yep, this week has stunk that bad! Yesterday big fight with DH, in the morning and the day kinda went downhill from there. Then this morning Josh forgot his backpack so I had to go all the way home to get it for him and that made me way late for work cause the traffic is much heavier the later it gets! Then all heck breaks at work today! So it's only noon time and it feels like it should be 5! Yikes! Good point is that I have to leave early for a neurologist appointment today so I won't have to deal with it much longer! :)
One more week till out big 2 year birthday bash at 123-Scrap. I've got to get crackin on my sketches and other things I've got planned! Our crops are so much fun and we usually have a great turn out so I hope this one is the same! We have some terrific prizes donated from a few people so the members should be happy!
Oh here is the highlight (well kind of) of my day yesterday during dinner conversation between myself and my 7 yo Joshua:
Josh: Mama don't eat the rice, it's too hot (in a softer voice and so are you)
Me: {in a shocked voice} What did you just say?
Josh: The rice is wicked hot and so are you!
Family: Bursts into a fit of laughter
Josh: It would have been much funnier if you didn't ask me to repeat it!
So while it was very nice of him to compliment me like that I'm left wondering why my 7yo knows what hot is! Yes I will do a scrapbook page about this one! Too bad I didn't think to get a photo of him with the plate of rice! LOL!
OK, break is over and it's still not Friday but I have to get back to work anyway! Have a great day! Oh and did you buy Cindy's kit yet? If not, go here: it's called Manhattan Loft!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

OMGosh Pam that's such a cute thing for Josh to say! You'll have to remind him of that when he's 16 and won't let you get near him with a ten foot pole. lol

Nope, not Friday here yet either. *sigh*