Look at what I got! Aren't you all jealous! Don't you want some too?
I've got a torn ligament or muscle in my foot (not ankle) and I guess that's better than being broken (there's the bright side for Kristi's Optimist Matt!) :) But I have to be non-weight bearing, keep it elevated and ice 3-4 times a day! I suppose that is one way to get out of baking the 15 different kinds of cookies I make every year to give out as gifts! LOL! I also haven't shopped for Xmas Dinner yet nevermind figured out how I'm going to cook it! The doc says it may take some time to heal and that if it's not feeling better in a week (a week are you kidding me) then to go back to my PCP to get a referral to an ortho!
Oh and to add the cherry on top, it's snowing AGAIN! School is cancelled which IS a good thing since I need someone to wait on me all day!
Happy Thursday All!
oh no Pam! I am so sorry to hear about your injuries. Make sure you take care of you and do what the Doc says! everyone will just have to miss out on the cookies this year :)
I hope you are back up and around (pain free) soon!
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that! How did it happen???
I'm sure people will forgive you for not making the cookies. Relax and put your feet up as much as you can. Those boys are more than able to wait on you! :-)
As for Christmas dinner, rally the troops. I know you! It doesn't have to be perfect and I'm sure the people coming for dinner will pitch in. If not, frozen pizza for all! ;-)
wow, I've been known to go to extremes to get out of cooking, but this is a bit over the top, don't you think? ;)
Try to enjoy the forced down time and get better will you?
oh that just sucks, Pam! I'm sorry you're hurt more then originally thought. I'm sure the cookie recipients will understand and somehow, the C-Mas dinner will get bought and cooked. Just delegate! ;)
I can't believe you're on crutches!! Wish I was close enough to give you a hand!
Take it easy and don't over do. And whatever you do, don't shovel!!
Hallie :-)
I am so done with our weather already...aren't you? Sorry to here you got hurt, but I am glad your kids are home to wait on you. Try to relax today and elevate that leg. Your Christmas dinner and cookies can wait... :-)
oh well hubby will have to handle it :)
Oh Pam! That is just horrible!
Pam, I'm SOOOOO sorry!!! Maybe you could pull up a chair and talk your menfolk through their first Christmas dinner. :) First you'd have to talk them through the grocery store on the cellphone tho. :) Might make for some interesting scrapbook layouts huh?
PLEASE take good care of yourself as a tear can be worse than a break. Do what the dr says and you'll be fine soon.
You are those around you are having a lot of bad luck with injuries at the moment!
You really need to rest that foot and have everyone wait on you and all you need to do is look out the window and ENJOY all of that WONDERFUL Christmas SNOW!! =D
Take care of YOU!
I am sooooo jealous!!! I have NEVER had crutches. When I was in 2nd grade, a girl broke her leg skiing and had a cast and crutches and I was so envious I could barely stand it. I think you're so lucky! How cool! I hope you heal quickly though because I'm sure it'll get old real fast.
hugs Pam! I hope you feel better soon! how frustrating to have this happen now, but at least you can sit and enjoy the time instead of running around!! HUGS!!
Ugh!! Pam!! Soo not cool. I'm sorry hun. (hugs)
oh Pam, I'm so sorry about your foot. That just sucks.... and foot things seem to take forever to heal. Stay off it!!!!
Merry Christmas my friend. I'm going to email you soon ... 1 more day to work, for me. wheeee!!!!!! (don't ask why I'm up at 3:30 am right now, please) :D
How did I miss this entry??? Sorry to hear about that Pam! How are you doing now??? Bummer! Did you ever get the package I sent you?
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