That's my big dilemma. I am trying to decide if I want to go under the knife to have my tubes tied. Yep. The big decision. I already know I am not going to have anymore kids, I mean I'm 40, my boys are at the age where they are pretty much doing everything for themselves. Yeah, I still cook and stuff for them but they get themselves bathed, dressed, keep themselves occupied. You know, I am good with that. But do I want to go under anesthesia, take the very small risks entailed with the surgery to make it all final? I was all set to schedule my appointment until the doctor mentioned the Mirena IUD. Now I'm thinking again! Jeesh, I am so undecisive sometimes. I know that when it comes to making a huge decision like this it's warranted but man I wanted to be done with this one. ARGH! TAP TAP TAPing the brain will go on for a bit more time I guess. LOL!
Anyone who may have gone thru either I'd welcome opinions! :)
Oh and the Cat Scan came back clean, blood work was all good so it was just a nasty bacterial infection in my intestines that was causing me grief. I'm feeling much better after a week on antibiotics too! So thanks to everyone who has been asking on that front too!
That's all my news! Have a great day!
Hey yah know?.... What about your husband? Mine was all for his part in no more KIDS! No surgery for me (just a kinda involved office visit for him)and done. No recovery or anything. Just that 6 week "check". you know? to make sure no little guys are still hanging around. Works for me!
I guess I doing to many things at once here. I better get back to work!I did'nt mean to put my web page on the name line. Dahhh
Glad to hear you are feeling better! Glad to hear all results were negative! The wonder of antibiotics!! Do some reading and research, give yourself some time to think clearly, and look at ALL the options! The "guy" surgery is MUCH less complicated and risky than it is for the female, but I don't know your circumstances, and won't pry!! Take your time to make the decision that works for you!!
I vote for the guy surgery too!!! Didn't have to twist my Dh's arm too much to get it done, but then I went and had the full on surgery myself!
Okay kinda overkill but since I didn't know how long I would have to wait for my surgery it was the easiest option.
There are pros and cons for both options you mention, check them out and make sure you are happy with them first though. And also look into the V for DH. Their "surgery" while uncomfortable for a day or two is not quite as seriously invasive as your option.
I wanted to have my tubes tied but the doc said no and snipped the hubby instead! Any chance the honey will go for that?
Glad to hear the catscan came back okay... scary stuff!
Dave did the big V too so I wouldn't have to be cut open again. His reasoning was because I had a c-section and had gone through many exploratory surgeries before we finally concieved, that this was just his small part for our family. Hey .. who was I to argue that one. lol
I had my tubes tied after my 5th child. I had an epidural for the delivery and they just kept that line in and juiced it up again the next morning for surgery. I'm afraid of general anestisia. It was a painful recovery, but worth knowing that I can't have an accidental pregnancy. If my husbands wasn't such a chicken I would have rather had him do it. It's suppose to be much easier on them.
Can't offer you any advice on this one! Why don't you have one more and give it to me? That would solve my problems, at least! I am very glad to hear that your stomach issues are solved, and your bloodwork and tests came back all good. I must say colitis is a suckness that you definitely don't want in your life!
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