Blah Blah Blogging Along

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tragedy Strikes Close to Home

A good friend of Jake’s family lost their home yesterday to a fire. It’s unknown at this time how the fire happened but thankfully the whole family including the dog were not at home when it happened so no one was hurt. This family has lost everything, the home is a complete loss and they only have their car and the clothes on their backs. I am hoping my town rallies together to do something for this family of 6 as they are known well in this community. I am so heartbroken for them and asking if you all could just send them some prayers and positive thoughts.

Thanks so much!


Karen said...

Wow. That is awful. It's also one of my big fears in life. If there's anything set up for them online, let us know.

Donna said...

How awful! I can't imagine. I'm glad no one was hurt though.