Man where does the time go? I've been married to this man for 20 years today! We met in High School thanks to my now SIL who introduced us. She apologizes constantly! LOL! ;) And we broke up for a bit and dated others but we ended up back together for good when I graduated. We've had our good times and our bad times but as Shania Twain says "Looks Like We Made It"!

We aren't doing anything special tonight, we leave for Disney on Sept 8th. That is our present to each other and the boys! :)
And before I get told I blog too much again by Kristi, I'll stop here! Happy Hump Day!
First!!! =)
Hey, that's not what I said Smartypants!!!
Congrats on your 20 years . . . he is hot! Yum, rugged good looks.
Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary!! That's a GREAT picture of Michael. First time I've seen the beard like that I think. And a great expression on his face. :-)
You must be getting so psyched for WDW! Pack the shorts and tank tops - it's HOT down here. :-)
Say hi and Happy Anniversary to Michael for us!
Happy Anniversary, Pam and Michael!!!
Happy Anniversary! Great picture and what a wonderful gift that you are all going to share :)
Awww!!! Wow, huge congrats you guys!!! I love ya both and am so happy to have gotten to spend time with y'all as a couple. XOXOXO!!!!
Happy Anniversary Pam and Michael!!! You have a pretty cute hubby there. :o) I got married while I was in high school...hee...hee
Disney is going to be wonderful!
Happy Anniversary Pam & hubby!! What a great looking guy you've got!!
Happy Anniversary Pam!!!
I can never get over this "happy hump day" thing... it sounds like there's a bunch of hunchbacks or overly-zealous dogs celebrating!
Woohoo, Happy 20th Anniversary! Quite a hunk you've got there! :)
Wows that is an accomplishment! Congrats!!!! :)
Happy Anniversary...nice that you have been together so long.
I just wandered over here from another blog...having some fun reading blogs this evening.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Hey, I finally figured out a way to comment, yay!!!
Happy Happy Anniversary!!! 20 years, that is awesome!
Ummmm, that was me, didn't mean to be anonymous. :)
LOL Candice! At least you commented! ;)
Thanks everyone!
DAMN PAM! He's a hottie!!! You need to post more photos of him. And, I want to see a photo of you guys when you first got married or when you were dating. That would be interesting. I love that kind of stuff. Me and my sentimental memorabilia gene.
Happy Anniversary!
Have a wonderful time in Disney Land!
Claire x
A very belated happy anniversary to both of you! Disney is a great present - I am sure you will all have a wonderful time :)
Happy Anniversary a few days late! LOL Sorry I'm late... but at least I'm here now?! :-D
Twenty freakin years!? Youre KIDDING ME! Wow!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!
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