It was a fun filled weekend with very little sleep but so worth it! I had a blast! Amy and her family are just wonderful and I couldn't have asked for anything more than the weekend I had with them!
Here are a few favorite photos from the weekend (I have lots of favs). I didn't take all of these as there were several cameras snapping. I took 400 myself though!
Amy and I at the LSS Crop Friday night:

The four of us at Dinner Friday night:
A log cabin at the Botanical Gardens Saturday

Amy and I sitting on a bench at the log cabin

Eli asked me to read him his bedtime story! So cute!

Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE pink and that I am 'the princess' at home. Well Tammy found this Texas Tiara for me. The front of the hat has a rhinestone tiara that lights up on it! So stinking cute! Here is me in my Tiara with Tammy:

And couldn't leave this out. I got my pink cowboy boots! You can also see the lighted tiara in this one!

Thank you to all my wonderful friends who made this such a special memory!