Blah Blah Blogging Along

Friday, March 28, 2008

Another Depressing Post

So it's snowing here AGAIN! Are you kidding me! It's March 28th for crying out loud! It could possibly be a record breaker here in NH. The record is from 100 years ago. It's 122" and right now we are in 5th place at 112". If it doesn't break the record it will definitely hit 2nd place. Hallie, how's your weather?

And for my second bit of wonderful news, today is my last day of work. Now normally I stay home and work from home but since I had to turn in my laptop I can't and since there is no school I'll have to drag Josh in there with me to collect my vacation pay check and turn in my badge. Fun stuff. I do get 6 weeks severance to look for a job so I guess that's something.

And that's all the depressing news I have for you today. I hope you have a great Friday and weekend none the less! :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


It's Lisa's turn to gloat today! And she's got way more reason to gloat because today's game was not even close! Those Sox did not look like Defending World Series Champs today I tell ya! I hope this is not any indication of how the season is going to go!

And in other news, a good friend of mine at the young age of 36 has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She has been given a good prognosis and has a positive outlook on things but if you could all keep her in your thoughts and prayers I would really appreciate it. I now wish I had started the Walk for Breast Cancer training afterall. Well at least I know someone walking so I can make a hefty donation! And please go and click at the Breast Cancer site for free mamograms!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

1 Down

Woohoo! Baseball season has officially started! And we won the first game! It was a bit too close for my comfort but we won! Sorry Lisa! ;)

I had a little friendly compeition going on with my A's fan friend Lisa with some scrappy goodies on the line so I was biting my nails this morning! Yes it was a 6am game because it was played in Japan for those of you that are not baseball fans.

I'm so glad the season has started and I hope it's another great one for the Sox!!! Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

to all those the celebrate! May you have a wonderful day and eat lots of chocolate!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tagged Again!

Jodene tagged me and since nobody hardly ever tags me I thought I should play :) So here's how this one works:

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged.

Since I think everyone I could possibly tag has done this already I'm only tagging Amy because she was crazy enough to complain that I didn't tag her last time! LOL! Have fun Amy!

1) I am an only child (there may be a few of you out there that don't know this).
2) I can't drive a stick shift (or manual as Jodene calls it)
3) I have met some of my very best friends on the internet.
4) I have never met my real father.
5) I was a soccer coach for 5 years and never saw or played a game of soccer in my life before I coached.
6) My husband is my high school sweetheart.
7) I can't go one day without eating something sweet.

Aren't you so glad you read this post? :) Happy Thursday!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Friday and Baby Girl Names

No I am not pregnant! But Meghan a Sugar Babe and fellow CT member is and she is having girl #4. She has run out of girl names and wants suggestions. What girl names do you like/love? When we were expecting our girl name was going to be Jessica Rose. I also heard the name Emma Rose the other day and loved it. I also have always loved the names Stephanie with a nickname of Stevie, Emily, and and Ella. I might have a thing for E names huh? LOL! So what's on your list?

Man, it seemed like a very long week. I think it's because the previous 2 weeks were 3 day weeks so this one of all 5 was tough to handle! LOL! I'm looking forward to a very busy weekend with a Cyber Crop going on at
123-Scrap and a St. Patty's Day party at my friend Rachael's house.

I want to wish my cyber friend Jolene a very Happy 40th Birthday on Sunday! Jolene is one of the sweetest ladies on the planet, a mom of count em 5 boys and an amazing cook so please head on over to her blog and give her bday wishes!

Happy 40th Birthday Jolene!
Have a wonderful day, you deserve it!

Other than that, not much else to post so I'll just say have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday Tales

So I had a pretty good bday. Hubby cleaned the house for me, let me scrapbook gave me a Remote Starter for my car that was a total surprise since my boots were my early bday present and Jake made me a birdhouse in woodshop! Then we went out to dinner 7 of us, my next door neighbor and my other old neighbor that was in town from FL. We haven't seen Steve in awhile so it was great to see him. We went to Carrabba's that was the only bad part of the day, I hated my Lobster Ravoli so much I ate bread and dessert for dinner! LOL! I also didn't like the mussels that someone highly recommended. Michael's angel hair pasta was undercooked (how do you do that?) and Jake hated his chicken parm. Now the 3 other adults that ordered all got steak and had no complaints, go for Italian and the Italian food stinks but go for steak and it's great? So not right! LOL! But if all I have to complain about is dinner then it's a pretty darn good day in my book! Cause heck, I didn't have to cook it either!

I did two whole pages while I scrapped on Saturday! I was only there for about 3 1/2 hours but I have to say that since I've started digi scrapping, paper scrapping has come much harder for me, 1 1/2 - 2 hours per page is such a long time for me! LOL! I was happy with the pages so that's all that matters!

Still no word on my job, one of the guys in my group is leaving but they are going to replace him since he's more senior so as far as I'm concerned I will still be at risk of being laid off by the end of this month or next month.

So not much else new here so I'll just say have a great day!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

HA! This Can't Be Right!

There was a personality quiz posted over on the Sweet Shoppe Blog so I decided to play along. Here are my results, I don't agree!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


So today it my bday! I got a huge surprise of a Remote Starter for the H3. DH had it installed while I was in TX and all week I've been driving and had no clue! Stinker! Jake made me a wonderful birdhouse at school! It's green and yellow which are the same colors as the house so it was a very thoughtful present! And he got an A on it too! Even better!

So the SSD Blog talks about the sickies this week. It just so happens that Michael is sick right now so I figured I'd answer the questions they are asking!

1. How often do you get sick with a cold? The flu? Something else? I get a couple of colds a year, have never had the flu thankfully.

2. Are you the sort of person who goes to work or school no matter how sick you are or are you willing to stay at home when it gets bad? I don't always go to work but I do work from home no matter how sick I am.

3. How do you like to treat a cold? What remedies do you like and why? Do you go to the doctor willingly? I love Airborne and only go to the doc if I think it's a sinus infection.

4. What do you do to keep from getting sick in the winter? Wash my hands a lot!

5. What is your favorite thing to do when you stay home from work or school? Scrap of course!

So play along, maybe I'll learn some new remedies! Happy Saturday!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tagged Twice!

First tag from Lizzy is about books. Since I'm at work the only books around are software related. I had the Learning Perl book on my desk when I saw this tag so that's what you get! Exciting huh?

Here's how you play:

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

A fairly common use of a global replacement is to collapse whitespace; that is, to turn any arbitrary whitespace into a single space:

an example is posted before the next sentence

Once we show collapsing whitespace, everyone wants to know about stripping leading and trailing whitespace. Thats easy enough, in two steps:

And another example

Just as we did with m// and qw//, we can change the delimiters for s///.

For this tag I'm tagging: Kristi, Debbie, Lynette, Janette, and Dawn! Have fun ladies!

And on to tag #2 from Dawn:
What were you doing Ten years ago? I was living in the same house I live in now, was pregnant with my 2nd son and working at Sanders in Merrimack as a Configuration Manager.

What were you doing one year ago? Living in the same house in Litchfield, working at Airvana in Chelmsford, MA.

Name five favorite snacks: Lime flavored Tortilla chips, peanut butter m&ms, brownies, dove dark chocolate

Name five things you would do if you were a millionaire: Pay off all my bills, Pay off all my mom's bills, buy my mom a condo, invest some money and move somewhere warm!

Name five things you like doing... scrapping, digi scrapping, reading, chatting on my scrapping message boards, reading friends blogs

Name five things you would never wear again... parachute pants, big hair, bright eye shadow (it looks awful on me) , a bikini (well only because I can't!), maternity clothes.

Name your five favorite toys... my rebel, my computer, my crop-a-dile, my cell phone, my kitchen aid mixer

And that's it for me. I'm tagging: Hallie, Blender Kimmie; Lizzy; Donna and Rachael!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back From Texas

It was a fun filled weekend with very little sleep but so worth it! I had a blast! Amy and her family are just wonderful and I couldn't have asked for anything more than the weekend I had with them!

Here are a few favorite photos from the weekend (I have lots of favs). I didn't take all of these as there were several cameras snapping. I took 400 myself though!

Amy and I at the LSS Crop Friday night:

The four of us at Dinner Friday night:

A log cabin at the Botanical Gardens Saturday

Amy and I sitting on a bench at the log cabin

Eli asked me to read him his bedtime story! So cute!

Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE pink and that I am 'the princess' at home. Well Tammy found this Texas Tiara for me. The front of the hat has a rhinestone tiara that lights up on it! So stinking cute! Here is me in my Tiara with Tammy:

And couldn't leave this out. I got my pink cowboy boots! You can also see the lighted tiara in this one!

Thank you to all my wonderful friends who made this such a special memory!