And it's not been a good week. I've been sick with a terrible cold all week. There was a fire at my work while I was gone so thanks to that I've been able to work from home while I've been miserable instead of spreading it around!
I finally got all my Disney photos uploaded to shutterfly. It took 2 full days! Granted there are a lot of them but man why is uploading so dang slow?
And the worst part of all is that we've made the dreaded appointment for our beloved dog Bear. She's going in at 9:30 tomorrow to be put down. She's had a wonderful life, she'll be 16 in December, she's been the best dog I've ever know but she's declining so quickly. She's been throwing up for 2 days and hasn't eaten in 3. Not a good sign. So so sad.
So if you don't see me for a bit you'll know why. Hope you all have a better weekend than I do.