So Jake spent the night at a friends house Friday night and they went to his sister’s soccer game here in town. The field is set back behind some houses and there are woods and a stream around it. Jake and his friend decided to kill some time walking around the woods near the stream and come upon this:
Jake thinks' it’s a toy so goes to pick it up and realizes it’s a bit too heavy to be a toy so puts it right back where he finds it! They head back out to his friends mom, who immediately takes them to the police station to make a report. It turns out its a loaded handgun! Seriously, in my little tiny hick town! What scares me the most is that this could have turned out so differently. I’m very proud of my son and thankful that nothing bad happened with such a dangerous weapon so close at hand to a place where many children are every weekend. I have to say that I am still sick to my stomach thinking about how things could have been!